Newborn Essentials for First Time Moms

Reading Time: 10 minutes
Newborn Essentials
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Becoming a Mom for the first time can be overwhelming! I became pregnant with Georgia in the summer of 2020 during what felt like an endless lockdown due to COVID-19. When it came time to start shopping for baby items, Alex and I weren’t able to go into any stores. I became acutely aware of how much I relied on in-store shopping. This is where my newborn essentials research journey began.


I scoured different websites noting the general items I believed we would need for when baby arrived. At this point in my research I knew very little, and so I jotted down general terms such as ‘car seat’, ‘breast pump’ and ‘sterilizer’. Then came the deep dive into researching different brands, safety, customer reviews and satisfaction. Alex and I spent countless hours watching YouTube videos and reading product details and reviews.


Here you’ll find the complete guide to newborn essentials for first time moms. We have personally purchased and tried each of these products. This post is in no way sponsored or endorsed by any of these brands, but may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Click through the tabs below to see the complete list of newborn essentials for first time moms. Read on below for my top 3 tips for finding luxury items at the best prices.


If you’ve just finished flipping through the tabs above, you’ll notice that newborn essentials can start to add up quickly. Don’t panic, there are always ways to save! Here are 3 quick tips that will help you get those luxury items you want for your baby while watching the bank. Before you get started, remember to get organized and decide on what you want/need. Do research, make an excel chart and clearly outline each item you need before baby arrives. Staying organized is vital, as this will help with the next steps:  

  1. Register for the items on your list. This will help friends and family know what you need for baby. Most registries have a completion discount. Once your baby shower is over you can purchase the remaining items on your list at a discounted price. 
  2. Watch out for sales, and check multiple stores to compare prices. Sign up for blast emails from baby stores to be notified of the sales each week and remember you can always unsubscribe later. Did you know that most sales take place over weekends? If there’s a big ticket item you need to purchase try to time it for a time of the year when a lot of sales take place such as Black Friday, or Boxing Day.
  3. Look for open box discounts and upscale resale stores such as Rebelstork

I hope this post on newborn essentials for first time moms helps in your search for the perfect baby gear and items. I’d love to hear from you in the comments if there are other items that were on your must have list and what has worked for you!